Sunday, February 23, 2020

I feel like I should explain

No time to explain.  I'll sum up.

For several years, about ten years ago, I had a blog.

It was called "Our Little Nuthouse."

Its a pretty awesome name, but for some reason, I don't want to keep that name.

And I stopped blogging. For, like, a long time.

Then, I started painting furniture and attempting to sell it.

And I called it, "Four Willowbrook Lane."

And it sounds pretty.

But no one is buying my furniture.  Kinda sucks.

So, we are heading towards Lent 2020, and I decided to give up all sorts of interneting.

Including Facebook.


So, in an effort to keep up my creative funniness, as I pridefully think I've got, I need a place to put everything I think is funny.

Here it is.

If you're one of the five people on FB who found me amusing and are looking forward to my writing funny things, you're in luck!

So, here it is.  The blog is back.  You've been warned.


  1. Oh, your furniture is so pretty! I hope I remember to look here during Lent. I used to read a number of blogs, but several petered out and I mostly don't follow any. Hope you have a good Lent!

    1. Thanks, Anita! I hope you remember, too! :) Its amazing how sitting down to write has to take some effort, but anything worthwile does, eh? ;)

    2. I gave up facebook for lent also, but read one post by Julie M, and followed the link to your blog. I wish you success with this!
